Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Showers of Messes

Have you ever felt like your life was one big mess? You recognize it and want to change it, but there's no time or energy left to do so! Phew! That's how I've felt these past few weeks.

I am one who likes to be in control of her life. I like to plan and accomplish things. I make lists and mark things off as they are completed. But lately, my lists have been enormous, my days too short, my energy non-existent, my motivation dwindling, and my big mess!

Our lives have obviously changed over the past few years. I thought I had it all figured out. Go to law school. Check. Meet Prince Charming. Check. Graduate and have a fairytale wedding. Check. Start a family. Check. Live happily ever after. Chhh.... Whoa. Wait a minute.

I have realized that I am not in control of my life. That is scary in some respects. And, in others, that is liberating! I would much prefer my all-knowing, all-powerful, loving, gracious, merciful, and kind Abba Father to be in charge.

So, I am taking the time today to count my many messes...I mean blessings and be thankful!

Eveley got into my post-it notes while I was on a conference call for work (while wearing bloomers on her head).

Eveley's Room!

Eveley found the Wheat Thins

Robbie found the cheez-its!

Thank you, Lord for my precious messes. Phew. I feel better!


Anonymous said...

I must've been demoted. I thought I was King Charming.

Clare said...

I love the picture of kate with the undies and stickies! How cute! I tagged you on my blog:) XO, Clare

Anonymous said...

Lauren, I am not sure who replied ,"I must have been demoted". It was not your daddy. I am very curious! dad

Heather said...

Do you ever think that Robbie might be in heaven whispering in E's ear? Love the pictures of the messes - you are so real and not afraid to admit or show it!