One of the things I really looked forward to upon quitting my job was limitless vacation! So, last week the kids and I set off on our first road trip to Tennessee to see the family. (just cuz we could!) I wasn't sure how I would handle taking the kids all by myself, but you never know until you try, right? I beautifully packed up the car the night before -- the passenger seat was organized with movies, snacks, juice cups, paper towels, and a bin of toys. We left out early the next morning and, to tell you the truth, the kids were perfect angels. We stopped 1 time in the 7 hour trip and arrived around 1:30. Honestly, I would not have even known Caleb was in the car. Every so often, I would toss a different toy back to his car seat and he was perfectly content! Now, Eveley took a little more effort -- we played about 4 hours worth of "find a match" -- this is our version of I Spy. But, nonetheless, it was a fantastic trip. (I think I deserved one after our beach trip fiasco...)
My parents now have two donkeys, a miniature pony, pigs, a garden, and -- the best feature -- 3 sweet little cousins living right next door. My brother's family lives there, and it is so fun to see the little ones playing together.
(We couldn't convince Eveley that she was too big for this swing...)
The girls are stair steps, each born a year apart. And little Wyatt just joined the family in May. Caleb and Wyatt are exactly 5 months apart and will be best buds, I'm sure.
The kids loved the animals and the garden. And then Marmee found the coolest neighborhood park ever.
We tirelessly tried to get a picture of the 5 grandchildren. After some threats of spankings and some promises of fruit snacks, this was the best we got!
I think this was the first of many road trips. I pray they all go as smoothly!