Wednesday, October 31, 2012

We're not nuts after all.

My family thinks I've gone nuts.  They are all supportive of our new nutritional ways.  But some of them don't want to hear the details, others don't understand the severe change, and everyone is panicking about Christmas.

My parents and grandmother were able to come visit us this past week, and we had a wonderful visit!  I think they may have been dreading the visit just a little.  Along with the 4 crazy kids, nonstop schedule, and too-early wake up calls, they were afraid I would be serving carrots and tofu all week.

I'll admit it.  Implementing a diet overhaul is very daunting and overwhelming.  It can affect everything -- playdates, picnics, weekends, travel plans, parties, guests, and definitely holidays.  

But what began as a month-long challenge has now morphed into our new way of life.  As my husband said, we would eat dirt every day if we knew it would help our kids.

And help is an understatement.

This sweet little boy is GREATLY benefiting from these changes. 

He is definitely still a little boy, but his ability to reason, focus, 
communicate, and cooperate has improved so much.

I was interested in my parents' view of our diet and our children's behavior.  I didn't want my personal reports or observations to be products of mere wishful thinking.  But they all commented on the big change in Caleb's behavior. (And they even enjoyed the food....or, at least that is what they told me. =)  

From the beginning, we felt God was leading us to implement these changes.  And now I am humbled to see how He cares so much for our sweet Caleb (and the rest of us) that He opened our eyes and hearts to these ways to help him.

So what have we been up to?



And more baking.

Throw in a little Clifford.

Some big messes.


A homemade castle.


Beautiful fall weather for a pumpkin patch visit.


And I think our family is doing quite well.

We're still working on getting the right Christmas card picture.

But I think that's going to take a Red Sea miracle.

 Wish this sugar-free mama "good luck" on Halloween.

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3 Peanuts said...

I am so glad it is going so well. Our whole family benefitted from eating clean. It was more obvious in some than others but it was there for all.

Hope Halloween went well. Back in the day when my kids could not eat candy...they left it out in a bag the night AFTER Halloween and the Halloween witch replaced the candy with a small toy (lego, coloring book etc). That worked for us, They still had the fun of trick or treating but the candy did not get eaten. I blogged about it here. Will was devastated when he found out there was no Halloween witch! But they still ask me now if the Halloween witch will come.


Clare said...

i love hearing about all of your food changes! i hope things are still going well for you guys:) miss you lots, and I think your pictures look just as good as our family photos...i already put my card together and someone is pulling my hair and not looking. it was the best we could get!! love, clare