We would do anything for our kids. Right?
Stay up all night holding their hand.
Play a never ending game of Go Fish.
Answer their questions before the sun rises.
Nothing is too much to ask. Right?
Donate blood. Give a kidney.
Embrace the 6 inches of dark roots so they can have a new fall wardrobe.
Give up pie crusts.
*&@! Whoa. Wait a minute. What??
I guess I should back up a bit.
Our sweet Caleb is a sharp little boy. He has known his ABC's and their sounds since he was 15 months old. Not kidding.
Remember this?
I think I should get rid of this video before the twins realize they were majorly deprived.
Anyway, Caleb has an uncanny knack for memorization. He picks up songs and books very easily and has memorized hundreds of pages of books. Sam I Am, Curious George, and Pete the Cat are some of his favorites. He notices details, tones, pitch, and recalls it quickly.
He is also pretty quirky. He can become obsessed with certain routines or activities. And he is easily distracted. (If we had a dollar for every time he became distracted,....look at that bird!)
I am not saying these things are "wrong" or that we are trying to change all of them. Granted, Caleb is a 3-year-old boy with some quirky DNA. (We know his parents pretty well, and they are definitely quirky.)
But, to make a very long story short, God has been leading my husband and I to take a more active role in Caleb's behavior and to take some steps in an attempt to address his challenges.
Many things came together - a perfect God thing, once again - and we have decided to alter our family's diet in some major ways.
I am just beginning down this road and would greatly appreciate any prayers you can offer on our behalf as well as any words of wisdom you can pass on.
I will never appear to be an expert on this subject. Not even close. I am a southern gal who has simply lived by the motto, "Anything in moderation."
But for now, we have decided to go organic and to cut out sugar, dairy, and gluten for 30 days. We will keep a journal of everyone's food intake and note any behavioral/physical changes we observe. After that time, we will examine the data and make any necessary changes. We are praying that this will benefit our children and us.
We had allowed ourselves to gradually clean out the pantry and fridge/freezer. This weekend, I put the finishing touches on the grocery list and headed to Whole Foods. The next week or so will definitely be a bit of trial and error as we find substitutions and recipes that are kid approved.
(I still haven't brought myself to throw out the Nutella...)
We explained this to Eveley (who is our resident sugar addict....or, one of them.) I told her we would be concentrating on some "brain" foods and not sugar. Her face turned white and she stared at me eye-to-eye. "Are you serious?" she said. I gave a bit more explanation and offered suggestions of the wonderful things we would eat. "But we still get dessert, right?" she asked.
Today was our first big day. The day included scrambled eggs, carrots and hummus, apples, nectarines, frozen grapes (my favorite), bananas and peanut butter, and, for dinner, chili and cornbread. We even ended the day with dessert for my Eveley -- smoothies made with strawberries, almond milk, and honey.
I almost fell out of my chair when Caleb sat down to dinner and ate his entire bowl of chili. People. You do not realize how big of a deal this is. In fact, all of the kids finished their entire dinner and I made enough for leftovers for tomorrow's lunch.
My first day's report card would be an overall A. We are still struggling to get Caleb to drink almond or coconut milk. But he has not had dairy milk today and has been satisfied with watered-down orange juice.
The biggest thing I noticed today was the DRAMATIC difference in the local ground beef I used in the chili (as opposed to normal ground beef I purchase at Walmart or regular grocery stores). DRAMATIC. That's all I can say, really. Remember, I'm no expert. But it was DRAMATICALLY better!
I will be keeping records of our journey and am praying that we uncover some nutritional answers to help our sweet Caleb.
SPECIFIC REQUEST: that Caleb develop a taste for an alternative milk (We are trying almond and coconut).

I stumbled across your blog via 3 Peanuts blog. Your son Caleb is amazingly smart (I watched the video). I was wondering if you have ever tried Shady Brook Farms Extra Lean Ground Breast of Turkey. I substitute it for everything that requires ground beef. My kids love it and it's very healthy for you. It makes an awesome chili!!! Maureen
Hi, I stumbled across your blog via 3 Peanuts blog. Your son Caleb is amazingly smart. I was wondering if you have ever tried Shady Brook Farms Extra Lean Ground Breast of Turkey. I substitute it for any recipe that requires ground beef. My kids love it. It makes an awesome chili and it is very healthy for you. Good luck with your new food plan. Maureen
Just a word of warning on the gluten issue. Be careful as things you never thought of having gluten in them do - soups, ice creams, ketchup, anything with malt, and the list goes on. It's brand specific too and brands can change their ingredients list so just because you found something gluten-free one time doesn't mean it is again. Just plan on spending lots more time at the grocery store. That aside, good for you for trying this!
Hey there Lauren. You know we have been down this road ourselves and we are still on the journey (with lots of detours). Let me know If I can ever help. I am not an expert either but we have been doing this for 8+ years.
Also, different brands of those milks are better than others. It took a while for us to find the ones the kids like. Actually that is true with breads, gf pastas, etc.
Living Without is s GREAT magazine for these kinds of recipes and substitutions. You can get it at Whole Foods.
As far as bread...we like Udi's brand. Rudi's makes new GF wraps that are great fir lunches too.
For dessert....these ice creams are quite good
It is a matter of adjusting ones taste buds.
Schar makes awesome gluten free and dairy free pastas and crackers and even cookies (they probably have sugar though).
I think you will notice a difference. My whole family benefits from eating this way in completely different ways. Kate's eczema clears up. My brain fog clears up (and I lose weight) Harry's migraines get better (slightly) and his stomach is better along with this moods. For Will, his impulsivity and distractedness improves. Will is a lot like Caleb....VERY smart....very quirky.
Sounds like a really good plan and it is good for all of you. One thing though....I am not sure one months is really long enough to tell major differences. The docs we spoke to really encouraged us to give it at least 2 months. Their systems are so used to all that processed food and it can take a while to re-calibrate. Also, you might want to add in a children's probiotic...they make chewable ones.
Sorry for the ling comment....you know this is a passion of mine.
I still can't get over that video of Caleb!! My little Reester can say "butt" when pointing at his belly button, but everything else is, "da." Praying for you guys as you make this change!
Hi - I'm not sure how I even found your blog, but I love it!
Our family has benefited so much from the Feingold Diet.
I was sure that my very smart first born (now 11) was mildly autistic, and could use a Ritalin IV. We started this diet, and what an amazing difference it made!!! She is now a successful 6th grader at a very challenging school. Only by the grace of God!
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