Miss Eveley loves to live life on opposite ends of the spectrum. She is a girly girl sometimes and has recently found a LOVE for her dress-up trunk. Thanks to our kind neighbor, a great aunt with a garage sale addiction, and some presents from grandmothers, Eveley has a pretty nice collection of dress up clothes. Notice her tattoos. =)
[Little Caleb did not want to be left out.]
But, truthfully, Ev lives most of her existence on the other side of the spectrum -- with dirt under her fingernails and a nice sweat mustache.
I have many interests. Too many sometimes. I love to create, craft, sew, cook, write, play the piano, think, organize, read... I am trying to add photography to my list but am having such a hard time. Others make it look so easy. And I'm smart enough to admit that my photos are nothing to brag about. I decided I would either have to enter a remedial class or put photography on my list of "things I am just not good at".
So I solicited the advice of one of my pro friends. She explained that I really need to get up in their face. Get in their business. My approach of sitting back and praying for the right shot was just not working. {Thanks, Anna!} Sunday afternoon, I decided to try this new approach. Here are a few cute ones of my dirt-faced princess. Getting in Caleb's face proved to be a little more difficult. That little booger is fast.
Now, I am still a green square kind of girl and have not even ventured into learning about all the technical aspects of manual photography. But I hope that may come in the future. As soon as my week consists of 8 days, I will sign up for a class.
A few pictures from this Sunday {taken by my equally amateurish photographer hubby}.

I think you did a wonderful job! The kids are getting HUGE! Caleb looks like a teenager!
Great job! Don't you love the in your face ones? Love that prince and princess!
Caleb looks just like your dad :) I have a dress up girly girl too, that likes to hunt for any bug and pick it up...in her dresses! Too cute!
I'm so proud of you! :)
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