Well, as you remember, we announced our big Surprise here. I am 22-weeks pregnant, feeling great, and ready to begin preparing for the new addition. My due date is May 22, the same date I was due with Robbie.
This was an emotional few days as we reflected on Robbie's homegoing and celebrated our HOPE in Christ. {And much thanks to all of you who contacted us with love and encouragement. We deeply appreciate you!}
Yesterday was our ultrasound. The big reveal. This would be my first ultrasound and I was very excited to "see" the little babe! Of course the major excitement was finding out whether this would be a girl or boy. Eveley was adamant that she was having a sister.
We prepared the kids, brought snacks, sippies, and iPhones for entertainment, and waited patiently for the doc to call our name.
It was finally our turn. I revealed my big belly for the doc. I have complained that I felt much bigger this pregnancy and seemed to "pop out" earlier than with the others. My mom reassured me that it was just "loss of muscle tone." Thanks, mom.
So...without further ado...

Surprise! We are having twins. That is the first time I have written that statement and I am honestly still in shock.
As soon as she began the procedure, the tech asked us if this was our first ultrasound. When I said yes, she said, "Well, I guess you're going to be surprised that there are 2 babies in there."
And surprised we are!
There is much to tell you about this beautiful gift. I am overwhelmed at this news because I have prayed for twins for several years. Call me crazy, but I have truly asked the Lord to bless us in that specific way.
It was finally our turn. I revealed my big belly for the doc. I have complained that I felt much bigger this pregnancy and seemed to "pop out" earlier than with the others. My mom reassured me that it was just "loss of muscle tone." Thanks, mom.
So...without further ado...

Surprise! We are having twins. That is the first time I have written that statement and I am honestly still in shock.
As soon as she began the procedure, the tech asked us if this was our first ultrasound. When I said yes, she said, "Well, I guess you're going to be surprised that there are 2 babies in there."
And surprised we are!
There is much to tell you about this beautiful gift. I am overwhelmed at this news because I have prayed for twins for several years. Call me crazy, but I have truly asked the Lord to bless us in that specific way.
To answer the much-asked question, NO, we do not have twins in our family. The closest set of twins that we know about is Jacob and Esau. So I'm not sure any of us are prepared for this reality -- but definitely excited!
This pregnancy was different than before. I felt bigger and I was much more sick during the first 14 weeks. And it looks like this was just the beginning of differences this time around. There will surely be much to learn.
and, to know that my muscle tone wasn't the problem.

This pregnancy was different than before. I felt bigger and I was much more sick during the first 14 weeks. And it looks like this was just the beginning of differences this time around. There will surely be much to learn.
I will be having regular ultrasounds from this point forward and will hopefully acquire some better photos to pass on. The babies were not cooperating for their first portraits. Baby boy's face was squished as baby girl is sitting on his head. (foreshadowing, I'm sure)
Thanks be to God for this beautiful gift. It is so wonderful to watch God answering prayers and performing miracles...
and, to know that my muscle tone wasn't the problem.

This is a cause for de-lurking. I have never commented before, but I am too excited, joyful, and happy for you and your family! Congratulations!
oh my!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am so happy for you and completely excited!! i started to read your post and then had to scroll back up to the top of my little screen to make sure I was on the right blog. This is amazing news, and I am sure you are overjoyed! sending lots of prayers and love your way:)
I so love to weep with joy, and weeping with joy for your double blessing is what I am doing.
Robbie, a big brother x4
Now you guys will have the louder, more annoying group of kids on vacation... Our kids will give the title to your clan. :)
Congrats and much love!
How exciting for all of you!!! What a surprise!! My mind immediately went to the verse about the Lord restoring what the locust has taken, what a mighty God!!
I am so happy for you!! Wow, how exiting! Growing up as a twin is/was so fun. My sis and I are extremely close. It is a bong unlike we have with our other siblings. I am just giddy for your family!
I'm still in shock and as silly as a 13 year old! I deeply regret my tacky comments about your muscles.
Lauren, I've just read your "surprise 2" outloud to the girls at work. Brandy said to tell you that you have total strangers crying, LOL. Tears of joy for sure! God is Blessing and Blessing you!
Wow! I loved how you revealed it at MOPS this morning! So creative and tricky of you :) We are so happy for you and will be praying for you now and in the future :)
Many blessings & double the congratulations!
Awesome news, Lauren! I check your blog periodically just to see how you guys are doing. So, so, so happy for you both! I don't think I'd ever be able to type the words "having twins" and have it relate to me. My lower jaw would permanently rest on the keyboard. What an amazing answer to prayer!
Much love,
Carey T.
WOW!!! What a blessing!!! COngratulations!!
WOW! I am stunned. How exciting. What a surprise and what a blessed answer to prayer. Heartfelt congratulations!!!
God is soooooo good. I'm so glad your lack of muscle tone is temporary. Love your sweet family. God bless you Bob, Lauren, and sweet babies...all 5 of them>
Wow! So exciting!
Just wanted to cut your Mom some slack, she has the gift of prophesy! Because twins will mess with your muscle tone.
Congratulations!!!! And welcome to the "twin club." Twins are great! You might want to start lining up help for the first few months now, though! :)
Congrats again!
P.S. Start getting ready soon-- ours were 4 weeks early, and many are even earlier.
So happy for you!!! What an exciting blessing :-)
Oh Lauren!!! I can not believe this..what a shock and sweet blessing! Your life just got a little more hectic:) But you are a great mom...you will be awesome. I wish I lived close so I could hug you:)
I just learned how to do this finally. There are no words to describe the joy we have upon hearing this news.God is so good and has shown us over and over His steadfast love.Thank you for the beautiful children you've had so far and we are anxiously anticipating two more special little cherubs.
SO excited for you all!!! What a double blessing!! Wish I lived closer to help out!!! :) XOXO
Wow! Congratulations on your boy and girl.
I don't usually comment, but oh my gosh, CONGRATULATIONS! What an immeasurable blessing!!!!
I, too, am 'de-lurking' for a moment to express my congratulations! Wow! I am so happy for you and look forward to many sweet and funny stories. *I still laugh thinking about the milk dud! BTW-Each time I visit your blog I am reminded of God's grace, thank you for sharing so much with me and so many of my friends! Wishing you all the best!
Am also delurking to congratulate you on this wonderful news. Delighted for you and your family!
I guess news like this will bring out the "lurkers"! Been following your blog for a while, Lauren, and like keeping up with you sweet family, though I've never commented. This is AMAZING news!! I love how you have shared how the Lord has answered prayer over and over and over again. It's truly inspiring! What an incredible, creative God we serve! Congratulations and many blessings to you all!!
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